Friday, August 15, 2008



Bring a nationally certified Hands-On Equations instructor to your district to provide first-class Staff Development on-site!

(See District Leaders Response to Our Workshops Below)

MAKING ALGEBRA CHILD’S PLAY® (Grades 3 – 8) HANDS-ON EQUATIONS® VERBAL PROBLEMS WORKSHOP (Grades 6 – 8; ½ day workshop grades 4 – 6)

FREE ONSITE STAFF DEVELOPMENT! Purchase thirty class sets of Hands-On Equations for Teacher and Thirty (30) Students and receive the training absolutely free!

Call 800-993-6284 to schedule your onsite workshop!

What District Leaders Say About Our Workshops

"Our teachers loved the workshop, Making Algebra Child’s Play! Students and teachers caught on to the math concepts very quickly and the use of the manipulatives to clarify operations was great!"

Dr. Robin Gillespie, Supervisor of Gifted Education
Jefferson County Schools (Grades 3-5)
Birmingham, AL
August 25, 2008
24 Participants
9.96 rating

"I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop! I believe it is a great enhancer for all students, but especially for visual and tactile learners. It really helped me to see how algebraic problems help to visually teach students."
Shaundala Summers, Campus Magnet Coordinator

TASD7 (Grades 4&5)

Texarkana, AR
August 11, 2008
11 Participants
10 rating

"We enjoyed the seminar and found it to be beneficial to our math program. The manipulatives and basic principles help to visually teach students."

Anita Corum, Elementary Curriculum Director
Princeton Christian School (Grades 3 - 8)
Homestead, FL
August 6, 2008
16 Participants
9.14 Rating

"I coordinated 32 workshops this summer and Tina Weiner’s workshop was among the best. All the participants were very happy with the results."

Paul Farrer, Academic Outreach Coordinator

Institute for Advanced Learning Research (Gr. 3-12)
Danville, VA
July 29, 2008
15 Participants
9.53 rating

Borenson and Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 3328, Allentown, PA 18106

(800) 993-6284 * Fax (610) 398-7863.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Hands-On Equations Distance Problem - Honors

Errata Sheet

Hands-On Equations Verbal Problems Book

Level III Distance Problem, Page 107/44 and Solution Page 133/44

This problem has been modified as shown below.

This may be considered an honors problem

for students in grades 6 - 9.

The solution remains the same as that shown in the book.

44. A motorboat, after traveling for one hour in tranquil waters, begins to go downstream with the current, thereby increasing its speed by 2 miles less than one-third of its original speed. After going downstream for one hour to reach its destination, and after unloading one of the passengers, it reversed direction and went upstream against the same current for one hour to arrive at a refueling station. At that point the motorboat still needed to travel an additional 36 miles to reach its starting point. Find the speed of the motorboat in tranquil waters, and the distance it traveled to arrive at its destination. [III, 25]